Friday 22 January 2016

O nce, Mullah Nasruddin was chalking a political slogan on the wall of a building in Konya when the corrupt local constable caught him and d...

Proxy Protector

January 22, 2016
M ullah Nasruddin was traveling one day with his old friend Hussein. When night fell, they stopped at a crossroads. Hoping to spend the nigh...
O ne day as Nasruddin was traveling, he met on the road an elderly Turkman who halted him and asked, “Tell me, sir, are you a mullah?” Nasru...

Hands are full

January 22, 2016
O nce, Nasruddin went on a long trip, and Fatima insisted that he carry a weapon, so he left heavily armed. In one hand he held a huge sword...
O nce when Nasruddin was serving as a judge, two men presented their case to him. The first one said, “Your honor, I loaned this man fifty s...

Thursday 21 January 2016

Sheba and The Monkey Sheba, the queen of jungle, was very fond of babies. Once, she announced, "I order all animals to come to my palac...

A Wise Counting

January 21, 2016
A Wise Counting Emperor Akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his courtiers. He often asked questions which were strange ...
Two little boys were playing together. One little boy saw a nut on the ground. Before he could pick it the other boy took it.  The first boy...

The Six Swans

January 21, 2016
A king was once hunting in a large wood. He pursued his game so hotly that none of his courtiers could follow him. But when evening approach...

Two Silly Goats

January 21, 2016
There lived two silly goats in a village.   There was a narrow bridge over a river in the village.  One day, the goats wanted to cross the b...
Once upon a time there lived a princess who was excessively proud. She proposed a puzzle to everyone who came to her palace. If a person did...
“I’m the cutest!” Baxter Bear said to Billy Bear. He was certainly a very handsome teddy bear. His fur was soft brown and he wore a purple s...

Wednesday 20 January 2016

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