Monday 27 November 2017

Ali And The Magic Carpet

Ali is a little boy. This story is all about Ali’s adventurous travel on a magic carpet. Ali learns and understands about various climates, seasonal changes, and animals as he flies on the magic carpet. Here is the brief substance of Ali’s journey.

Ali finds a magic carpet at his uncle’s shop. He sits on the carpet and the carpet gives him a warm welcome. The carpet treats him as his master and offeres to carry him across the sky. Ali is happy to float in air and touch the clouds. In a while he lands in a dense jungle. There is a light drizzle, which has made the jungle hot and humid! The carpet then flies over a desert. The vast expanse of the desert is so dry and extremely hot. Ali meets a desert lizard.

Then the carpet carries Ali to the South Pole, which is freezing cold. Ali sees snow all over the place and he meets a penguin.
After enjoying the snowfall, Ali flies to a mountain on the magic carpet. It is very foggy and Ali sees a lion. Later, Ali reaches a forest. It is very windy, neither too damp nor too hot.
Finally, he reaches a place where it is raining heavily. Heavy bolts of thunder and lightning shake him up. The place he has reached is an Island surrounded by the sea! A tortoise greets Ali and welcomes him to the island. Afraid of rain, Ali decides to go back home.

Source : With Thanks

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