Saturday 27 August 2016

A Story of Bull and froglet.

Once upon a time there was a big frog lived in #waterside along with her #family. The frog have many froglet. One day, a froglet was moving here and there on the damp ground near the waterside, and  saw a big bull grazing in the field. The #froglet was frightened to see the bull, although he was frightened but due to courage, the cricket started to see the bull carefully for long time. As long as the froglet was watching he becaming more and more  surprised. But continue to see from the safe distance.

At one time he came back to home and was so excited to share the incident with mother.

He eagerly told to her mother "#Mother Mother I have seen a big animal in the field today near water side and you can not imagine how  big it was? It was just like a big monster.

You can not imagine without seeing it. reply the froglet.

The mother frog was proud about her size and told to her froglet , Are you sure?
You must have mistaken and saw something else.

The froglet told no mom it was big !!!!!!!!!!!! like a Big monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Mom was very angry and told froglet "No animal could not be as big as me"; and started inhaling air into her abdomen.

Then she asked " As big as my belly?"

The  froglet laughted at her mom and replied no it was at least 1000 times bigger that your aired belly.

The mother frog was red faced with anger and started to fill more and more air into her stomach and froglet smiled and told mom please stop.
It is enough and stop kidding.

But mom not listen her and at last her abdomen busted. Frog mother died.

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