Tuesday 20 September 2016

A Hubris Man

A man lived happily with his family members in a village near a Jungle. He has a small shop  and worked hard whole day to earn more and more money. He was the only earning member in his family and spent all earning to meet need of his family.

He was pride man and always thinks that his family can not do without him and publicly shared this view to peoples.

His family members as well as neighbours were very upset for such behavior and they always try to convince him but the pride man just laughed at them.

One day he went to a Ashram of a Saint for a Satsang. The Saint was delivering his speech to his followers.

The Saint telling "Man's has no worth in the world. No work does not stop for anyone. The men are foolish who think clock will stop without him in his family or society."

And the Saint continued his Satsang further.............. at last the Satsang came to an end.

The Man slowly walked towards Saint and looked at him.

Yes my son any problem-said the Saint politely.

I am not agreed with of your speech - said the pride Man.

The Saint smiled and told "Why my dear Son?"

The Man said "I am the only earning member of my family and my family can't live without me as they are fully dependent on me".

The saint still smiling.

The man was getting irritating and angry with the behavaior of the Saint.

The Saint smiled and told "You are wrong my Son. Without you your family will not be in hungry at all and they can fulfilled their need without you".

The Man was furious and charged the Saint to prove it.

"Just hid here in my Ashram for one month only and I will prove it" - The Saint said calmly.

Ok - said the Man.

The family members were anxious as the head of the family was not returned from Satsang and inquiry about him at the Ashram.

The Saint promised them for appropriate help to find the Head of the Family.

Next day the Saint spread the rumor that the man eater Tiger has taken a Man into Jungle and probably the man was head of the missing family.

The family was in deep sorrow and regret for one week.

The whole villagers were extended their help the distressed family. His elder Son was engaged by one of the rich businessman at his shop. The villagers helped the family to get married to only daughter with a suitable bridegroom who was in Govt. job in Railways. The youngest boy was sent to hostel and all expenditure towards his education was borne by an NGO.

The family then after started living happily once again.

Just one month later the Saint told the Man to go to his home and at the darken night the man reached his home and started knocking the door and the wife shouted " Bhut...Bhut...Bhut...Save me ".

The villagers rushed to the spot and started beating the man and someone manage a light for focus on the face of the man.

The villagers were surprised to see him and require about his missing and the pride man narrate the whole story. The villages and the wife were very angry and upset and refused to enter him in house.

At last the Saint came and told the Villagers as well as his wife to forgive and the hurbis Man already gets lesson and realize the truth of life.

@ M Wasiq Ali

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