Wednesday 21 September 2016

Jamal - The Brave Boy

Jamal was 10 years older boy who lived with his family in a village. He has a cute sister of 3 years and she was very fond of her brother. Jamal also loved his sister and all the time he played with her and always vigil to see her needs and inconvenience.  When Jamal went to school, she move here and there and search every corner of home where they play.  

His father was a farmer and he has around 50-60 sheep’s and took all those sheep’s to open ground nearby to the village for grazing.  

Jamal was a student of Class V in a Secondary School near to his village and as he was an intelligent, brilliant and obedient student, hence all teachers loved him. All pupils in his class also want to be his best friend for his kind behaviour and helping nature.

One day Jamal’s mother planned to visit her Mom’s home along with his father and younger sister to see her as she was suffering from diabetic since long. So he called Jamal and told her planned and he agreed to stay alone at home and promised to look after home and Sheep’s. He parents were very happy with Jamal’s reply.

Next morning Jamal see-off her parents & sisters .

Jamal has already took leave for two days from his school and after some time he thought to have breakfast as his mother already cooked enough food for him for next two days. This was first time Jamal stayed alone at home and feeling boring, so he though to keep himself busy with domestic work.

He feed the sheeps and cleaned whole house and he was satisfied with his new role. Then he took bath and has his lunch and slept. He was day dreaming and suddenly heard some voice coming outside of his house and he get up from try to listen the source of voice coming from.

At a sudden he jumps from his bed because someone is knocking at door. Jamal opened the door and saw it was Ali, his classmate.

Jamal asked to Ali “What’s the matter?”

Ali told “There is a visit of Minister at our School tomorrow and our class teacher instructed you to prepare welcome speech”.

Jamal was anxious as no one at home. However he agreed and Ali left.

He then started writing a good welcome speech and before evening completed the task and thought to verify with class teacher who lived in another village.

After proper closing all windows and doors he left for teacher’s home.

The teacher welcomed him with smile and told him I was expecting you.

Jamal  nodded his  head  and sat on a chair beside teacher.

“Wonderful welcome speech Jamal. Hope this speech will certainly impress Minister” – The teacher praised.

Jamal nodded and said “I have to leave right now!!!”

Teacher said “Oh!! Sure. You may go now.”

Jamal immediately ran towards his house as it was already darken and reached home safely and found door of the cattle is opened and few sheeps are missing.

Jamal ran to his neighbour uncle who is always affectionate to him and told about the incident. His uncle and Jamal both started searching operating them immediately and till mid night no clue of missing sheep found.

Jamal was worried and started sobbing.

Uncle said ‘Brave boy never cry....don’t worry we will find it”.

The whole night he can’t sleep and whole night was restless.

But he was confident to get back sheeps in day light.

He woke up in the early morning and again started searching and after one hour of searching finally he found them grazing near a paddy field and it was a relief for him.

Suddenly he remembered the promise of speech and he ran to his uncle and gulping.

Uncle smile and hugged him and told go my dear son I will look after.

Jamal was happy and anyway managed to reach school. The teacher was anxious and looking for Jamal and when seen Jamal running he also got relief.

The program started in time and Jamal delivered his welcome speech. The Minister was so impressed with the speech; he called Jamal and blessed him.

Jamal was flying on the sky.

At the end of the program, the teacher asked him about his late coming and Jamal narrate the incident. The teacher was just speechless and hugged him and told I am proud of you my dear Jamal.

Moral - When there is a will , their is a way.

@M Wasiq Ali

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